Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Ginger Facts and Health Benefits

Ginger Facts and Health Benefits

Interesting facts about ginger including its history and the many health benefits of eating ginger as a garnish in cooking.What is Ginger?
Ginger is the common name for Zingiber officinale, which was originaly cultivated in China and now equally spread around the world.
Ginger is a herb but is often known as a spice, with a strong distinct flavor that can increase the production of saliva. The part that is used as spice on the plant itself is the rhizomes or ginger root. This ginger root is traditionally used with sweet foods in Western cuisine being included in popular recipes such as ginger ale, ginger snaps, gingerbread, ginger biscuits and ginger cake. It is also used in many countries as a medicinal ingredient which many believe in. Some say it can help cure diabetes, head aches, colds, fatigue, nausea and the flu when used in tea or food.
Is Ginger Good for You?
For over 2 thousand years Chinese medicine has recommended the use of ginger to help cure and prevent several health problems. It is known to promote energy circulation in the body while positively increasing the body's metabolic rate.
Here is a list of medicinal properties ginger has been known to have throughout history.
  1. antiemetic/antinausea
  2. anticlotting agent
  3. antispasmodic
  4. antifungal
  5. anti inflammatory
  6. antiseptic
  7. antibacterial
  8. antiviral
  9. antitussive
  10. analgesic
  11. circulatory stimulant
  12. carminative
  13. expectorant
  14. hypotensive
  15. increases blood flow
  16. promotes sweating
  17. relaxes peripheral blood vessels
·         Ginger is good for your health and has been said by some to be a plant directly from the Garden of Eden. It is also said that consuming Ginger before taking a plane flight can prevent motion sickness. It can make good tea, or you can use it as a spicy addition to almost any recipe.
History of Ginger
Ginger was widely used by the ancient Romans and it was a very expensive spice, one pound of ginger was equivalent to the price of a whole sheep. Ginger almost became lost in history after the fall of the Roman empire but became popular again when Europe re-discovered it. Ginger has influenced the history of man since ancient China, wars were waged and entire dynasties rose and fell with the objective of seizing it. The trade of such spices were the root of the world's economy for centuries.
Ginger Facts
The ginger root is not actually a root, but a rhizome.
The major producers of Ginger today are China and tropical/subtropical places in Asia, Brazil, Jamaica, Nigeria.
The health benefits of honey and ginger in treating respiratory problems are unmatched by any other concoction.
The ginger plant is approximately 30 - 60 cm tall and is extremely rare to find in the wild.
Even today Ginger is one of the most important spices world wide.
Ginger for Health
Ginger has a wide variety of effects on the human body and is known to be effective for the treatment of cataracts, amenorrhea, heart disease, migraines, stroke, , angina, athlete's foot, colds, bursitis, chronic fatigue, tendinitis, flu, coughs, depression, dizziness, fever, erectile difficulties, infertility, kidney stones, Raynaud's disease, sciatica, and viral infections.
Home Remedies using Ginger
Ginger has many uses in the home remedies department and can be used to help arthritis, diarrhea, flu, headache, heart and menstrual problems, diabetes, stomach upset and motion sickness.
Muscle Strains - Apply warm ginger paste with turmeric to the affected area twice a day.
Sore Throat - Boil some water and add a dash of cinnamon, a little piece of ginger, 1 tsp honey and drink.
For a persistent cough - Take a half teaspoonful of ginger powder, a pinch of clove with a pinch of cinnamon powder and honey in a cup of boiled water and drink it as tea.
Ashma - A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to taste acts as a excellent expectorant in the treatment of asthma.
Headaches - Dilute a paste of ginger powder, about 1/2 a teaspoon, with water and apply to you forehead.
Colds - Boil a teaspoonful of ginger powder in one quart of water and inhale the steam - helps alleviate colds.
Ginger Compress - This method stimulates blood and body fluid circulation, helps loosen and dissolve toxic matter eg. cysts, tumors. Place about a handful of coarsely grated ginger in a cloth and squeeze out the ginger juice into a pot containing 4 liters of hot water (do not boil the water). Dip a towel into the ginger water and wring it out. Apply very hot to the affected area.
Diabetes - Some doctors recommend some drinking ginger in water first thing in the morning to help regulate your glucose level.
Ginger Tea - Make with fresh ginger root. Grate a small piece of ginger, about the size of a nickel, into a mug. Add the juice of a half a lemon. Fill the mug with boiling water. Stir in a teaspoon of organic honey.
For relief of nausea - Ginger is generally taken in doses of 200 mg every 4 hours.
For relief of flatulence - Ginger is generally taken in doses of 250 to 500 mg 2 to 3 times a day.
Growing Ginger at Home
Ginger is cultivated all year round and can be cultivated approximately 3 - 5 months after it was planted.
Ginger is very easy to grow and can be grown indoors or outside in pots filled with potting mix, allow enough room in the pots, about 10 to 12 inches deep, for the actual ginger roots to form.
The best time to plant ginger is in the spring. Simply buy some fresh ginger roots at a local grocery store or Asian market. Choose a smooth, shiny looking root that has some buds beginning to form.
Soak the roots you bought in some warm water overnight. The following day plant them in the pot(s) just beneath the soil level. Water well.
Once the ginger has started to grow, feed every two to three weeks with a general pot-plant feed.
A mature ginger plant will grow between two to four feet tall. Stems and leaves may reach up to a foot long and resemble those of a lily.
Harvest ginger roots after the rhizome has grown for around three to four months.
Harvest ginger roots can either be stored in a dry cupboard or refrigerated for later use.

Natural Fertility Prescription - Pregnancy Home Study Program

Dear Reader:

Have you been trying to get pregnant for weeks, months or even years… only to have endured constant disappointment?
Or perhaps worse, have you ever become pregnant – only to be sadly discouraged by one or more miscarriages or false alarms?
Infertility is a complex problem. And there are a range of reasons why many women are unable to conceive and / or hold on to a pregnancy when it finally does occur.

This is more than disappointing. It is heartbreaking.

And if you’re one of these women my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine what it must be like to face the constant letdown, frustration and internal turmoil over the emotional pain of infertility. Many couples become deeply depressed over the inability to conceive.
As a health professional and fertility specialist for nearly a decade, I have seen many women just like you; women who have struggled to get pregnant for numerous reasons. I have seen cases so extreme that it still brings tears to my eyes – with tales of women who have tried for five to ten years – or who have reached a certain age that they feel like it is no longer possible to conceive.

Are You One Of These Women?

Do Any Of These Scenarios Sound Familiar?

  • Tried so many times to get pregnant that you’ve all but lost hope?
  • Felt sad, depressed or even devastated over not having a baby?
  • Gone through repeated cycles of fertility drugs only to feel financially, physically and psychologically drained?
  • Spent hundreds – if not thousands of dollars $$$ – for IVF / ICSI / IUI procedures to no avail?
  • Have a partner with a low sperm count or other problem that has placed strain and blame on the relationship?
  • In your late 30’s or early 40’s and been told that donor eggs or IVF/ICSI is your only option?
  • Want to try IVF but don’t have the money for such an expensive procedure?
  • Seeking natural ways to improve the underlying fertility and reproductive health of you or your partner?
  • Suffered repeated miscarriages – either from assisted or natural pregnancies?
  • Already tried natural fertility options that did not work?
  • Haven’t found the support or guidance that you need in your primary care physician / gynecologist / endocrinologist?
  • Too terrified to try procedures that feel invasive / unnatural or painful?
  • Have religious beliefs that prevent you from using medically recommended options, such as donor sperm, donor eggs or IVF?
  • Done your own research and tried everything under the sun, yet still unable to conceive?
These are just a few of the scenarios I have run into during the years I have been consulting clients as a Natural Fertility Specialist here in Switzerland.

Your Situation Is Unique… But You Are Not Alone In 

Your Pain And Disappointment.

My name is Iva Keene and for almost 10 years I’ve been helping women like you to conceive and bring healthy babies to term; using gentle, natural, holistic techniques that few fertility doctors recognize or fully understand.
These techniques, while different to IVF/ICSI approaches, are nothing “hokey pokey” or “gimmicky” but are based on solid, sound science and years of first-hand clinical experience….
And they are extraordinarily effective
As proven by the countless couples who now have healthy babies after years of struggle and despair.
Remember, you are not alone in your plight… And it’s not your fault.
If you’re at the end of your rope and feel frustrated, overwhelmed, depressed or like having a baby is just not “meant to be”… please don’t give up or turn to IVF/ICSI quite yet.

I can help…

To date, I’ve helped countless couples in many countries conceive healthy, beautiful babies… using a non-invasive, gentle and highly effective method.
Unlike expensive, invasive and often harmful measures using drugs and procedures favored by most fertility clinics, my approach is 100% all-natural100% safe and extra-ordinarily effective!
Of course, you are welcome to come and see me for a face-to-face consultation in Switzerland. However, if that is simply not feasible then I can bring this unique method to you!


The Best Way To Get Pregnant
When All Other Attempts Have Failed…

Or Even If You Just Want To Improve Your Underlying Fertility Before You Get Pregnant To Help You Have The Healthiest Baby Possible…
The “All-Natural” Fertility Prescription Program. It’s NOT Really a Prescription, it’s an 8-Step Guide to Become Pregnant Naturally… Safely and the Way Mother Nature Intended!
Yes, you can conceive and bring healthy babies to full term – using gentle, yet powerful holistic techniques unknown to the vast majority of fertility doctors.
The proof is in the first-hand accounts of women who overcame complex and difficult cases of infertility and who have finally been able to conceive by simply using the NFP Program.
And now you can be one of those women, too…
Read Here to see clinical case studies of other women who have become pregnant after using our program.

Now You Can Give Yourself The Best Chance
To Have The Child You’ve Always Longed For

By far, the Natural Fertility Prescription is the most sensible and effective option you can take before investing hundreds or thousands of dollars on traditional drug and procedural-based fertility treatments.
And if you are still not able to conceive after following the program and need to use IVF your chance of success will be much higher because you’ve prepared your body first…
And, if you are in any way unhappy you can request a refund so you lose nothing except the time in takes to follow the 8 Step Plan.

What exactly is it… what’s Natural Fertility all about?

Trigger Your Body’s

Natural Ability To Conceive!

Your body… and reproductive system has an innate intelligence. An in-built ability to heal and restore itself to optimum health.
But this requires the right conditions… the proper balance of natural foods, supplements and toxin removal.

As part of Iva’s Fertility Program, you’ll learn:

  • The 13 most deadly foods that cause infertility. How to avoid them so you won’t sabotage your chances of getting pregnant!
  • Which sleeping position might cause you to become infertile? How to correct it and try new ways for increased chances of pregnancy!
  • Which common pollutants in your home can destroy men’s sperm-count? How to easily eliminate them to help you get pregnant!
  • Simple strategies to eliminate worry, stress and anxiety fast… and foster a fertile mindset!
  • The often neglected sister organ of your ovaries. Avoid suffering by treating this organ differently and be rewarded with a positive pregnancy!
  • An all-too-common food additive… that can make your mucus hostile to your partner’s sperm. Easily identify and eliminate this unexpected culprit!
  • How small adjustments to your diet, lifestyle and environment can help your body to gently heal and remove unwanted characteristics that may be hindering your ability to conceive a child!

Remove The Obstacles

That Stand In Your Way Of Pregnancy Today!

You’ll also discover these essential secrets:

  • The #1 mistake nearly all women make when diagnosed with infertility, which instead of reversing their infertility actually harms their reproductive system! (And nearly everyone is doing it.)
  • How to avoid this common fertility trap (your doctor almost certainly won’t tell you about it).
  • widely used substance that causes havoc to your hormones and can make you infertile.
  • Common causes of low sperm count and easy-to-fix remedies that will drastically increase a man’s chances of reproduction!
  • How to supercharge your metabolism for perfect hormone balance and maximum fertility!
  • The 7 cardinal fertility sins most women commit when they eat … which causes metabolic imbalance and stops ovulation in its tracks!
  • And much more…
Read about some of the amazing fertility and health benefits women and men have reported after using the NFP program CLICK HERE

All Of The Joys Of Motherhood

Can Finally Be Yours!

Even if you’re not struggling to get pregnant, this 411-page program guide which includes over 11 hours of audio advice can be useful to ANY woman who desires to get pregnant and become a mother.
A 411-Page Program Guide – This 8-Step Program is the foundation of the NFP Method and the ultimate resource to get pregnant naturally.
Among the topics covered are: Detox, Tests, Diet, Supplements, Conception Timing Methods, Mindset, Sleep and fertility, Exercise… plus much more.
It also contains handyChecklistsSummariesTips and Illustrations to make it super easy to not only use the program but to understand how and why it works.
This essential 8-step program provides a blueprint for fertility – including what you need to do to prepare for pregnancy.
And that’s something EVERY WOMAN should know.
Plus: the Natural Fertility Program shows you how to solve these 14 common infertility conditions!
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Endometriosis
  • Sperm Abnormalities
  • Age-Related Infertility (provided you are still ovulating)
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Ovulatory Infertility
  • Recurrent Miscarriages
  • Luteal Phase Defect (LPD)
  • Fibroids
  • Anti-Sperm Antibodies (ASA)
  • Mildly Blocked Fallopian Tubes
  • Unexplained Infertility
  • Secondary Infertility

What Do You Actually Get With

The Natural Fertility Program?

First of all, you get 11 hours of audio guidance in a convenient MP3 format to listen to on your computer, MP3 player, Ipod, Iphone etc or in your car. The audio recordings include:
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Eight-Step Fertility Blueprint
  • Natural Treatment Protocol for 12 Fertility Conditions
  • Fertility Meditations, Affirmations and Visualizations
PLUS: the 411-Page Program is delivered in a universally accepted PDF format, complete with checklists, summaries, tips, illustrations and more to make it super easy!
AND… you’ll also receive 7 bonus e-Books, along with 3 bonus audio interviews on how to boost fertility naturally.

The 8-Step Fertility Blueprint

Discover the key elements that influence your fertility and how it’s possible for simple factors, such as seemingly harmless household items, beauty products, personal care products, foods, beverages and more to derail your fertility.
Here are the 8 Steps:
  • Detox – Fertility Specific Detox for your body and immediate environment, both at home and work.
  • Tests – To treat conditions and toxicities that reproductive doctors often overlook.
  • Diet – Specific fertility boosting nutrition applying the latest research into 45 divine recipes.
  • Supplements – Shows you which nutrients you need for your specific condition, and why.
  • Conception timing methods – Identify your unique fertile window so that you never miss your ovulation again!
  • Mindset – Release stress and other negative emotions linked to infertility to help you conceive faster.
  • Sleep and fertility – The most overlooked and undertreated area of reproductive health, yet so crucial to your success.
  • Exercise – Discover the ideal exercise routine for trying to conceive and to do while pregnant.
Please don’t resort to invasive, risky and often ineffective IVF/ICSI treatments… or worse yet, give up on your goal to get pregnant… before you try my program.
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.


Click Here!

Kamis, 30 Januari 2014


Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Glucose comes from the foods you eat. Insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose get into your cells to give them energy. With type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. With type 2 diabetes, the more common type, your body does not make or use insulin well. Without enough insulin, the glucose stays in your blood.
Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause serious problems. It can damage your eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Diabetes can also cause heart disease, stroke and even the need to remove a limb. Pregnant women can also get diabetes, called gestational diabetes.
A blood test can show if you have diabetes. Exercise, weight control and sticking to your meal plan can help control your diabetes. You should also monitor your glucose level and take medicine if prescribed.

Diabetes Type 1

Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. With type 1 diabetes, your pancreas does not make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose get into your cells to give them energy. Without insulin, too much glucose stays in your blood. Over time, high blood glucose can lead to serious problems with your heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves, and gums and teeth.
Type 1 diabetes happens most often in children and young adults but can appear at any age. Symptoms may include

  • Being very thirsty
  • Urinating often
  • Feeling very hungry or tired
  • Losing weight without trying
  • Having sores that heal slowly
  • Having dry, itchy skin
  • Losing the feeling in your feet or having tingling in your feet
  • Having blurry eyesight

A blood test can show if you have diabetes. If you do, you will need to take insulin for the rest of your life.

Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. With type 2 diabetes, the more common type, your body does not make or use insulin well. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose get into your cells to give them energy. Without insulin, too much glucose stays in your blood. Over time, high blood glucose can lead to serious problems with your heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves, and gums and teeth.
You have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes if you are older, obese, have a family history of diabetes, or do not exercise.
The symptoms of type 2 diabetes appear slowly. Some people do not notice symptoms at all. The symptoms can include

  • Being very thirsty
  • Urinating often
  • Feeling very hungry or tired
  • Losing weight without trying
  • Having sores that heal slowly
  • Having blurry eyesight

A blood test can show if you have diabetes. Many people can manage their diabetes through healthy eating, physical activity, and blood glucose testing. Some people also need to take diabetes medicines.

Curcumin Helps Change Gene Function to Combat Cancer

Somewhat quietly, in state-of-the-art molecular facilities at the world-renowned University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, is almost secret research on the power of nutrition to kill cancer and help traditional cancer therapies work better. After all, the MD Anderson Cancer Center is at the forefront of newfangled biological cancer medicines and has been a bastion of support for the rather toxic cancer treatments that have dominated Western medicine for decades. On April 21, 2011 researchers published a groundbreaking scientific review of their research on their favorite anti-cancer nutrient – curcumin. Times are a changing.
Their fascination with nutrition is born out of the fact that various nutrients seem to possess intelligence–meaning they can actually tell the difference between a healthy cell and a cancer cell. They are actively researching curcumin, tocotrienols, green tea, quercetin, resveratrol, and many other natural substances. 
In the case of cancer cells, these nutrients help unleash a powerful response designed to kill the cancer. Yet in the case of healthy cells, the nutrients promote survival and increase the ability of cells to tolerate stress. No current drugs have the ability to do this, even the newer biological medicines that are more like a gene shotgun. 
The problem for new biological medicines is that you cannot take a gene-related shotgun to the human body and expect it to survive. The same genes do different things under different health contexts. You can blast away at the core gene signal NF-kappaB , involved in driving the cancer process, but in healthy cells NF-kappaB is the brain of the cell that enables it to survive. It’s all about context. It’s all about what is switched on and what is switched off relating to the DNA. The only chance scientists have of figuring this out is by studying how nutrients function. Thus, hidden away in the Cytokine Research Laboratory of the Department of Experimental Therapeutics at the MD Anderson Cancer Center is research of necessity that is proving the unthinkable – the true genetic power of nutrition to improve health.
Unfortunately, their new study, Epigenetic Changes Induced by Curcumin and Other Natural Compounds1, is not available to read for free. Thus, I condensed and simplified what they had to say.
The researchers are interested in epigenetic regulation, which is how DNA is modified or “managed” without actual changes to DNA. In cancer, DNA has been hijacked and regulation transferred to the cancer process. How to stop this process once it starts and how to prevent it in the first place is of immense importance to the general cancer issue. It is clear that toxins, pollution, infections, infectious toxic byproducts, ongoing stress, ongoing inflammation, and free radical damage all work toward damaging DNA and creating the possibility for mutation and cancer (adverse epigenetic influences).  Such damage occurs daily in everyone and is hopefully repaired.  When damage occurs at a rate greater than repair capacity then genetic weaknesses are magnified, and cancer sets in. It is now known that this process involves epigenetic changes and these changes have the domino effect on gene activation (or inactivation). 
This is how the researchers explain their interest in curcumin:
“Recently, natural compounds, such as curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), andresveratrol, have been shown to alter epigenetic mechanisms, which may lead to increased sensitivity of cancer cells to conventional agents and thus inhibition of tumor growth. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a yellow spice and the active component of the perennial herb Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric, is one of the most powerful and promising chemopreventive and anticancer agents, and epidemiological evidence demonstrates that people who incorporate high doses of this spice in their diets have a lower incidence of cancer. Furthermore, epidemiological evidence exists indicating a correlation between increased dietary intake of antioxidants and a lower incidence of morbidity and mortality. ... How curcumin exerts its powerful anticancer activities has been thoroughly investigated, and several mechanisms of action have been discovered. ... Curcumin exerts its biological activities through epigenetic modulation.”
The researchers then explain in great depth, how curcumin changes the regulation of DNA to help kill cancer. They also point out that it seems to influence some of the very same factors in healthy cells to survive better – a process they do not as yet understand (and as I explain above is a driving force for this research in the first place). It is quite fascinating that the core gene signal, NF-kappaB , typically receives instructions on what to do via the modulation of DNA by epigenetic factors. Literally hundreds of signals potentially impact NF-kappaB and influence what it will do next. In the cancer context curcumin is continually altering epigenetic signals to overthrow the hijacking process and kill the cancer. In health, curcumin is doing just the opposite. This is truly amazing research – proving the power of nutrients to help human health.
The researcher can’t say enough good things about curcumin:
“Extensive research over the past five decades has indicated that curcumin reduces blood cholesterol levels, prevents low-density lipoprotein oxidation, inhibits platelet aggregation, suppresses thrombosis and myocardial infarction, suppresses symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease; inhibits HIV replication, suppresses tumor formation, enhances wound healing, protects against liver injury, increases bile secretion, protects against cataract formation, and protects against pulmonary toxicity and fibrosis. These divergent effects of curcumin seem to depend on its pleiotropic molecular effects, including the regulation of signal transduction pathways, and direct modulation of several enzymatic activities. Most of these signaling cascades lead to the activation of transcription factors.”
Their point is that curcumin not only influences epigenetic settings, but it also manages the downstream consequences, helping guide multiple steps in the way gene orders are implemented. While many natural compounds help in this regard, curcumin is clearly the favorite of researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Their enthusiasm for curcumin pervades this paper. It appears that the mainstream is finally making some connections and showing appreciation for the power of natural health.
Of course, researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center are not the only ones excited about researching the anti-cancer and health protecting properties of curcumin. Papers are published every week on the topic from all around the world. Researchers just showed that in humans damaged by arsenic poisoning that curcumin could actually repair the damage to their DNA2.  Other researchers showed that curcumin directly damages the DNA of colon cancer cells3.  And other new research showed that curcumin could block the cancer activation of HPV infected cells by blunting the effects of estrogen in conjunction with HPV to turn on cancer genes, indicating a potential role in the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer. The research is intense and ongoing.
In the midst of the heated turf battle between the Big Pharma-backed model of health known as Western medicine and those who advocate more natural strategies to prevent and treat health problems, there arises some common ground.  My hat is off to the researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center for their work that is advancing both Western medicine and natural health.